Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Sendok kesayangan Adna

Adna punya sebuah sendok yang sangat dia sayangi. Sendok itu sebetulnya sendok bayi dengan kepalanya yang sangat mungil. NAmun bahan sendok itu sangat lembut karena terbuat dari karet. Dan jika disentuh ke makanan yang masih panas maka kepalanya itu berubah warna menjadi putih. Sebaliknya jika makanan itu sudah dingin maka akan kembali berwarna biru.
Mama sebetulnya kurang suka dengan hal ini. KArena makan dengan sendok kecil akan membuat waktu makan menjadi sangat lama. Belum lagi jika Adna tetap ngotot pake sendok itu meskipun dia lagi makan mie. Walhasil jadi tambah lama karena mie itu licin dan sulit sekali diambil pake sendok itu. Dan Adna akan menjerit-jerit histeris kalau sendoknya itu diganti.


dyka said...

alhamdulillah adna udah baikan yaa dan kembali ke sekolah...semoga lain kali sakitnya ndak lama lama ya nak...amin,

*)Nte Iin

eLogs said...

beliin sendok yang bisa jadi prinzessin geura, pasti adna mau hihihihihihii

Unknown said...

wah tante echa, kalau benda ajaib gitu mah biasanya boss landsberg yang bisa bikin... hehehe

Anonymous said...

Please be careful adna. Other countries don't have the same standards as the US in ensuring the safety and efficacy of medications. If you do decide to use a internet pharmacy, PLEASE do your homework. Make sure the internet pharmacy is in Canada, like internet pharmacy. Some sites say they will ship the medications from Canada when they are actually in other countries. If you can, make sure the medications are manufactured in the US or Canada. Canada also has good protocols in making sure medications are safe and effective. There are many counterfeit drugs in the world. I would hate to see you become injured because of a counterfeit drug. Like I said before, do some researching before you decide to send away for some medication.

Anonymous said...

Please be careful adna. Other countries don't have the same standards as the US in ensuring the safety and efficacy of medications. If you do decide to use a online drugs, PLEASE do your homework. Make sure the online drugs is in Canada, like online drugs. Some sites say they will ship the medications from Canada when they are actually in other countries. If you can, make sure the medications are manufactured in the US or Canada. Canada also has good protocols in making sure medications are safe and effective. There are many counterfeit drugs in the world. I would hate to see you become injured because of a counterfeit drug. Like I said before, do some researching before you decide to send away for some medication.